How To Stop Chronic Headaches Taking Over Your Life

How To Stop Chronic Headaches Taking Over Your Life

Do you suffer from chronic headaches?

Are you exhausted from feeling like your life is controlled by your chronic headaches, and you can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel?

As Edina’s #1 chronic pain expert, I have over two decades of experience when it comes to dealing with people that want to take back control of their life.

You might think your chronic headaches are just part of your life now.

You’ve coped this long so why not just live with it?

Because you don’t have to!

Over the past 20 years, I have found different ways to stop chronic headaches from taking over your life.

I have created this blog to highlight some of the best ways you can ease your chronic headaches, without the need for expensive medications or risky treatments!

The True Impact Of Chronic Pain On Your Life

Chronic headaches can make it difficult to just enjoy your life, they make you sensitive to light and noise, and leave you trapped in a dark room in agonizing pain when you wanted to be out with your friends or enjoying a meal with your partner.

This is just one scenario where chronic headaches leave you annoyed, frustrated, and unable to enjoy yourself!

How much better would your weekends be without crippling chronic headaches?

It’s like living a new life!

3 Of The Best Ways That You Can Stop Your Chronic Headaches

Everyone’s chronic headaches are unique to them.

But there are some easy and quick ways for you to stop chronic headaches from taking over your life.

3 Best Ways To Stop Chronic Headaches

1. Eat, Sleep, Hydrate, Repeat

 You might think that this would be common sense.

But over the last 20 years, I have seen countless chronic headache sufferers who haven’t been looking after their general health above everything else.

It may sound simple, and that’s because it is!

Making sure that you eat a balanced meal regularly, keep well-hydrated throughout the day, and get enough sleep during the night, is a great starting point to stop chronic headaches taking over your life.

 2. Stop Relying On Medication

 It is easy to reach for the medicine cabinet and load up on pills when you feel the agonizing pain of your chronic headache rearing its head.

But if you are doing this regularly for long periods of time, you can actually be making your chronic headaches worse!

Overuse of medication, including over-the-counter solutions, can actually increase the severity and frequency of your chronic headaches.

In reality, you should only be using medication to quieten your chronic headaches no more than two times a week.

3. Craniosacral Therapy

You may never have heard of craniosacral therapy, but as the #1 chronic pain expert in Edina, this is the best way to stop chronic headaches from taking over your life.

What is craniosacral therapy?

Craniosacral therapy is a hands-on-treatment that can provide you relief from your chronic headaches.

With the use of light touch, I examine membranes and the movement of fluids around the central nervous system.

This gentle touch allows me to assist in the release of your body’s fascia and helps to stop chronic headaches taking over your life.

More Expert Advice On Dealing With Daily Headaches You Can’t Get Rid Of

 I get you may be skeptical that just a few changes to your lifestyle can stop chronic headaches from taking over your life.

That is why I am here to answer your questions regarding your chronic headaches.

You can book a Free Discovery Visit where you can meet me one-on-one and ask any questions you may have about the solutions, I can offer you.

Free Discovery Visit

Giving you the control, you need back in your life.

Too Sensitive To Light To Leave The House?

Maybe your chronic headaches are too debilitating, and they aren’t giving you the time to get out of the house.

This is why I also offer a Free Telephone Consultation!

Free Telephone Consultation

It gives you the ability to still get some of my expert advice and ask any questions that you may have, without having to risk triggering your chronic headaches!

No matter the situation I am here to help YOU!

Free Advice To Help Ease Chronic Pain

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